12th workshop of the BEEN (Behavioral and Experimental Economics Network) | Campus Einaudi, 16 settembre 2024:
The purpose of the network is to maintain a community of researchers who are working in the area of behavioral and experimental economics. BEEN has been created to foster collaboration and feedback across scholars, departments and universities in Italy.
Concretely members use the network:
- to announce relevant events (e.g. seminars, PhD courses, visiting of other scholars, job openings, funding opportunities, etc.);
- to organize periodic meetings where members have a chance to present their work and get feedback from other researchers within the area of behavioral and experimental economics;
- to discuss practical issues related to the creation and management of laboratories as well as to solve bureaucratic issues associated to the conduction of experiments both in the lab and in the field.
Elisabetta Ottoz (Chief of Dept. ESt, University of Turin)
Francesco Devicienti (Chief of Dept. ESOMAS, University of Turin)
Pierluigi Conzo (Director of CLOSER, University of Turin)
9.15 – 10.35: Session 1. Chair: Stefania Ottone (University of Turin)
Bartos, Vojtech (University of Milan)
Atzori, Federico (University of Cagliari)
An experimental investigation of the Italian North-South divide in trust, cooperation and redistributive preferences
Cettolin, Elena (Tilburg University)
Redistribution and moral wiggle room
Stringhi, Alessandro (University of Siena)
Effects of Income Mobility and Redistribution on Trust
Battiston, Pietro (University of Pisa)
My Poor(er) Friend: (Non-)Economic Integration in Public Good Games
10.35 – 10.55: Coffee Break
10.55 – 12.15: Session 2. Chair: Mariana Blanco (University of Turin)
Albertazzi, Andrea (IMT Lucca)
Taming the Tap: Behavioral Interventions for Water Conservation
Righetti, Giovanni (University of Verona)
New Accountability Relationship in the Public Healthcare System: the Effect of Information Release in South Africa
Amelio, Andrea (Bocconi University)
Contingent Belief Updating
Rinaldi, Lina (IMT Lucca)
Nudging Towards Sustainability: Evaluating the Influence of Diverse Nudges on Dietary Choices
Vecchi, Martina (University of Southampton)
The Role of Feedback and Social Learning in Job Search
Badiglio, Stefania (LUMSA)
Behavioral games with AI
12.15 – 12.30: Elevator Pitch Poster Presenters
Alessandro Barbazeni (University of Verona)
Competitive Environments and Cooperation: The Role of Donations
Giacomo Gallegati (Collegio Carlo Alberto)
Judging the Paper by Its Cover: Affiliation Bias in Conference Admissions
Federico Innocenti (University of Verona)
Discrimination in information acquisition: the case of TikTok
Luca Polonio (University of Milano Bicocca)
Persistence of strategic sophistication and transfer of learning across games
Irene Maria Buso (University of Bologna)
Uncertainty, Fake News and Belief Formation: An Experimental Study on the Strategic Use of Uncertainty in Belief Formation
Elisa Pontivi (Università degli Studi dell'Insubria)
The psychological cost of sustainable choices
Marina Rizzi (University of Turin)
Climate Narratives and Individual Attitudes and Behaviors – the role of Religion and Morality
12.30 – 14.10: Lunch break & Poster session
14.10 – 15.20: Session 3. Chair: Anna Maffioletti (University of Turin)
Bogliacino, Francesco (Università Cattolica)
Testing for Manipulation: Experimental Evidence on Dark Patterns
Castagnetti, Alessandro (University of Verona)
Preferences over Penalties for Wrong Answers
Guarnieri, Pietro (University of Pisa)
Risk in daring and retreating: a bomb risk elicitation test
Cubel, Maria (City University London)
Performance-Based Assessment of Strategic Reasoning: A Recombinant Estimator Approach
Maggian, Valeria (Ca' Foscari University of Venice)
Gender equality in the labor market: the role of Artificial Intelligence
15.20 – 15.50: Coffee Break
15.50 – 17.00: Session 4. Chair: Marina Della Giusta (University of Turin)
Dalton, Patricio (Tilburg University)
Overcoming Self-Control Challenges in Cash Transfers: Experimental Evidence from a Humanitarian Setting
Rozzi, Roberto (University of Siena)
Cultural Engagement and Immigration Attitudes: An Experimental Design in the Field
Hauser, Christina (European University Institute)
Increasing Awareness About Organ Donation in a Low-Trust Environment: Evidence from Tunisia
Stimolo, Marco (University of Siena)
Youngsters Observing Unlawful Tendencies in High-crime Area
17.00 – 17.15: Break
17.15 – 18.00: Session 5. Chair: Daniele Pennesi (University of Turin)
Saulitis, Andris (Collegio Carlo Alberto)
Uncovering Sensitivity of Tax Evasion: A Combined Vignette and List Experimental Approach
Korczak, Marta (European University Institute)
Do High-Stakes Exams Deter Women from Studying Further? Lessons From Economics PhD Programs
Lisovaia, Anastasiia (LUISS)
Subordinate Appraisal vs. Peer Review: Which induces less Halo Effect?
18.15: Farewell party
Aperitivo & snacks @ OFF TOPIC, Via Pallavicino 35, Torino