Vera Palea
Professore/Professoressa ordinario/a
- Dipartimento di Economia e Statistica "Cognetti de Martiis"
- SSD: SECS-P/07 - economia aziendale
- 0116703897
- 0116703895
- Piano III, Padiglione D1, Ufficio n. 23
Dipartimento di Economia e Statistica "Cognetti de Martiis"
Campus "Luigi Einaudi"
Lungo Dora Siena 100 A
10153 TorinoVirtual Room:
- VCard contatti
- Department of Economics and Statistics "Cognetti de Martiis"
- Dipartimento di Economia e Statistica "Cognetti de Martiis"
- Corsi di Studio del Dipartimento di Economia e Statistica "Cognetti de Martiis"
- Corsi di Studio del Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza
- PhD Programme in Innovation for the Circular Economy
Curriculum vitae
Prodotti della ricerca
Tutti i miei prodotti della ricercaProdotti della ricerca selezionati
Vera Palea, Andrew Haldane, Alessandro Migliavacca (2024) Is Accounting a Matter for Bookkepers Only? The Effects of IFRS Adoption on the Financialization of Economy Cambridge Journal of Economics Vol. 48 (3)
Vera Palea, Alessandro Migliavacca, Silvia Gordano (2023) Scaling Up the Transition: The Role of Corporate Governance Mechanisms in Promoting Circular Economy Strategies Journal of Environmental Management Vol. 348 January
Vera Palea, Giuliana Birindelli, Aline Miazza, Viktoriia Paimanova (2023) "Just Blah Blah Blah? Stock Market Expectations and Reactions to COP26" International Review of Financial Analysis Vol. 88, July
Vera Palea, Cristina Santhià, Aline Miazza (2023) "Are circular economy strategies economically successful? Evidence from a longitudinal panel" Journal of Environmental Management Vol. 377, July
Vera Palea, Giuliana Birindelli (2023) “To Green or not to Green? How CSR mechanisms at the governance level affect the likelihood of banks pursuing green product strategies Corporate Governance, Vol. 23 (1), pp. 219-242
Vera Palea, Cristina Santhià (2022) “Carbon Risk and Mitigation Strategies in the Automotive Industry” Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 344, 1-14
Vera Palea (2022) “Accounting for Sustainable Finance: Does Fair Value Measurement Fit for Long-term Equity Investments?” Meditari Accountancy Research, pp. 22-38
Vera Palea (2022). "Unreliable accounts: How regulators fabricate conceptual narratives to diffuse criticism" by Karthik Ramanna: A comment on ideological capture”, Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium, Vol. 2 (12), pp. 239-246
Vera Palea (2021) “Which Theory of the Firm for EU Society? An Institutional Perspective” The European Union Review, Vol. 1 (26), pp. 71-88
Vera Palea (2021) “Sustainable Development as a Fundamental Goal of the EU and Its Implications for Business in Society”, Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, Vol. LV (2), pp. 225-242
Vera Palea, Federico Drogo (2020) “Carbon Emissions and the Cost of Debt: the Role of Public Policies, Climate-related Disclosure and Corporate Governance”, Business Strategy and the Environment, July 2020, Vol. 29(8), p. 2953-2972
Vera Palea et al. (2020) “Climate Change: EU Taxonomy and Forward-locking analysis in the Context of Emerging Climate-Related and Environmental Risks”, Risk Management Magazine, Vol. 15, p. 48-64
Vera Palea (2018) “Financial Reporting for Sustainable Development: Critical Insights into IFRS Implementation in the European Union”, Accounting Forum, Vol. (42), p. 248-260
Vera Palea (2017) “Whither Accounting Research? A European View”, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, Vol. (42), p. 59-73
Vera Palea, Simone Scagnelli (2017) “Do Earnings Reported under IFRS Improve the Prediction of Future Cash Flows? Evidence from European Banks”, Australian Accounting Review, Vol. 27 (2), p. 129 - 145
Vera Palea (2015) “The Politics of Fair Value Reporting and the Governance of the Standards Setting Process: Critical Issues and Pitfalls from a European Perspective”, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, Vol 29 (1-15)
Vera Palea (2014) “Are IFRS Value-relevant for Separate Financial Statements: Evidence from the Italian Stock Market”, Journal of International Accounting, Auditing, and Taxation, Vol. 23 (1)
Vera Palea (2014) “Fair value Accounting and Its Usefulness to Financial Statement Users”, Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting, Vol.12 (2)
Vera Palea (2013) “IAS/IFRS and Financial Reporting Quality: Lessons from the European Experience”, China Journal of Accounting Research, Vol. 6 (December)
Vera Palea, Renato Maino (2013) “Private Equity Fair Value Measurement: A Critical Perspective on IFRS 13”, Australian Accounting Review, Vol 23 (3), September
Vera Palea et al. (eds.) (2021) L’integrazione dei fattori ESG nella valutazione del rischio di credito, AIFIRM
Vera Palea (2013) Financial Reporting under IAS/IFRS: Theoretical Background and Capital Market Evidence – A European Perspective, Peter Lang Academic
Vera Palea (2010) Rischio, Rendimento e Fondamentali d’Impresa, Pearson Prentice-Hall
Vera Palea (2007) La Valutazione del Rischio d’Impresa – Logica e Metodologia dell’Analisi Finanziaria, Giappichelli Editore
Vera Palea (2007) Sviluppo Economico e Riforma della Finanza Pubblica nell’Unione Europea, (ed.), Franco Angeli Editore
Vera Palea (2006) IAS/IFRS: The Economic Consequences of Increased Disclosure. The Effect of the IAS/IFRS Adoption in the European Union on Banks’ Cost of Equity, Franco Angeli Editore
Book Chapters:
Vera Palea et al. (2019) “Fair Value Measurement Under Level 2 Inputs: Do Market and Transaction Multiples Catch Firm-specific Risk Factors?” in
The Future of Risk Management, Volume II: Perspectives on Financial and Corporate Strategies, Palgrave
Vera Palea (2018) “Shareholder Value, Financialization, and Accounting Regulation: Making Sense of Fair Value Adoption in the European Union” in The Routledge Companion to Fair Value in Accounting, Routledge
Vera Palea (2016) “Is Financial Reporting Risk-Neutral? A Macro-economic Perspective”, in Risk Management: Perspectives and Open Issues, McGraw-Hill
- Climate finance (ECM0242)
Corsi di Studio del Dipartimento di Economia e Statistica "Cognetti de Martiis" - Economia finanziaria e finanza d'impresa (ECM0306)
Corsi di Studio del Dipartimento di Economia e Statistica "Cognetti de Martiis" - Finanza d'impresa (ECM0306B)
Corsi di Studio del Dipartimento di Economia e Statistica "Cognetti de Martiis" - Finanza d'impresa (ECM0144)
Corsi di Studio del Dipartimento di Economia e Statistica "Cognetti de Martiis" - Rischio d'impresa (ECM0174)
Corsi di Studio del Dipartimento di Economia e Statistica "Cognetti de Martiis" - Valutazione del rischio d'impresa (ECM0174A)
Corsi di Studio del Dipartimento di Economia e Statistica "Cognetti de Martiis"
Temi di ricerca
Research areas:
Relationship between corporate disclosure, corporate financing and capital market behaviour; The impact of corporate reporting rules on the real economy and socio-economic models; Corporate standards-setting process and organization; Theory of the firm; Sustainable businesses and finance.
International Research Groups and Organizations:
United Nations, Academic member of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting ISAR, Geneve, Switzerland
European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG), member of the Expert Working Group on European Sustainability Reporting Standards
European Law Institute, University of Wien, Austria - Member of the Special Interest Group on Financial Reporting, Corporate Sustainability and Capital Maintenance; Member of the Special Interest Group on Environmental Law
National Research Groups:
Italian Foundation for Business Reporting (OIBR), Italy - Member of the Scientific Committee and Chair of the Working Group on Climate Change and Environment Disclosure
Italian Association of Financial Industry Risk Management (AIFIRM), Italy Academic Fellow, co-Chair of the Working Group on Climate Risk, co-Chair of the Working Group on the Integration of ESG Factors in Credit Ratings
Gruppi di ricerca
Progetti di ricerca
- Sviluppo sostenibile, cambiamento climatico e rischi emergenti per il sistema bancario: un focus sulle banche piemontesi
- Educazione economico-finanziaria e all'imprenditorialità giovanile: un valore strategico per l'accesso al mondo del lavoro
Attività in agenda
Ricevimento studenti
A partire dal 23 novembre 2023 incluso, il ricevimento avrà luogo su appuntamento preso via email ( Inserire ad oggetto della email "Ricevimento Studenti".La docente riceve nel suo ufficio presso il Campus Einaudi, Blocco D1, terzo piano, ufficio n. 23.
AVVISO: A causa della elevata domanda di tesi, si comunica che, una volta assegnata, la tesi verrà resa nuovamente disponibile e attribuita ad altro studente/studentessa nel caso in cui la docente non ricevesse aggiornamenti con frequenza almeno mensile.
- Sustainable Finance for biodiversity: This thesis will provide an in-depth analysis of the literature on the topic.
- The EU Taxonomy on biodiversity: This thesis will consist in an analysis of the EU Taxonomy regulation on biodiversity. It will also discuss biodiversity indicators at a firm level.
- The EU Taxonomy on circular economy: This thesis will consist in an analysis of the EU Taxonomy regulation on circular economy and the main CE indicators at a company level.
- Development of Sustainable Finance Frameworks Globally: This thesis aims at discussing the latest progress as well as challenges and opportunities of implementing a globally accepted sustainable finance framework. It will consist of an analysis of different jurisdictions, including the International Platform on Sustainable Finance, to explain the latest national and regional developments in this area.
- Development of ESG reporting standards at an international level: This thesis aims at discussing progress in sustainability reporting at an international level, and to deepen possible interaction between global and jurisdictional standards.
- Big Players in ESG reporting standards-setting: This thesis aims at investigating the private/public background of the relevant players in ESG reporting standards-setting, with the purpose of getting insights into possible regulatory capture.
- Environmental Taxonomy, cost of capital, and investment evaluation (with a specific focus on energy projects): This thesis aims at investigating differences in the cost of capital according to the eco-sustainability of economic activities.
- Social Taxonomy: This thesis aims at describing the main features and state of the implementation of a Social Taxonomy in the EU.
- Do not significant harm: This thesis aims at describing the main characteristics of the "do not signifcant harm", which is relevant to define an environmentally sustainable economic activity.
- From Analysis Scenario to Ratings: This thesis describes recent advancements in research to factoring physical and transition risks into credit risk assessment.
- Incorporation of ESG into Credit Agencies' Ratings: This thesis describes methodologies with which credit rating agencies are incorporating ESG factors into their ratings.
- Greenwashing in the financial market: This thesis describes the main issues relating to greenwashing and provides a literature review of the scientific articles on the topic.
- Detecting greenwashing in the financial market: This thesis investigates the main tool that can be used to detect greenwashing in the financial market.
- Carbon risk premium in the financial market: This thesis investigates empirically the presence of a carbon risk premium in the financial market.
- Sustainable development and the theory of the firm: This thesis investigates the consequences of the sustainable development objective on the role and form of businesses in society.