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Economia del lavoro, della famiglia, di genere

  • Ferrari, G., Ferraro, V., Profeta, P., & Pronzato, C. (2022). Do board gender quotas matter? Selection, performance, and stock market effects. Management Science, 68(8), 5618-5643.
  • Del Boca, D., Pronzato, C., & Sorrenti, G. (2021). Conditional cash transfer programs and household labor supply. European Economic Review, 136, 103755.
  • Della Giusta, M., Di Tommaso, M. L., Jewell, S., & Bettio, F. (2021). Quashing demand or changing clients? Evidence of criminalization of sex work in the United Kingdom. Southern Economic Journal, 88(2), 527-544.
  • Berton, F., Mocetti, S., Presbitero, A. F., & Richiardi, M. (2018). Banks, firms, and jobs. The Review of Financial Studies, 31(6), 2113-2156.
  • Bertola, G. (2016). Labor policies and capital mobility in theory and in EMU. European Economic Review, 87, 62-77.

Economia del patrimonio e delle industrie culturali

  • Bertacchini, E., Venturini, A., & Zotti, R. (2022). Drivers of cultural participation of immigrants: evidence from an Italian survey. Journal of Cultural Economics, 46(1), 57-100.
  • Nuccio, M., & Bertacchini, E. (2022). Data-driven arts and cultural organizations: opportunity or chimera?. European Planning Studies, 30(9), 1638-1655.
  • Segre, G., & Morelli, A. (2022). Economic Impact and Return on Public Investment of a Book Fair and Cultural Festival. International Journal of Arts Management, 24(2), 52-61.
  • Lanati, M., & Venturini, A. (2021). Cultural change and the migration choice. Review of World Economics, 157(4), 799-852.
  • Borrione, P., Friel, M., & Segre, G. (2021). "Kids, Today We're Going to the Museum!" Discriminating Factors in Museum Visiting for Families With Children in Italy. International Journal of Arts Management, 23(3), 21-31.

Economia dell'innovazione e industriale

  • Scandura, A., & Iammarino, S. (2022). Academic engagement with industry: the role of research quality and experience. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 47(4), 1000-1036.
  • Colombelli, A., Ghisetti, C., & Quatraro, F. (2020). Green technologies and firms’ market value: a micro-econometric analysis of European firms. Industrial and Corporate Change, 29(3), 855-875.
  • Consoli, D., Fusillo, F., Orsatti, G., & Quatraro, F. (2021). Skill endowment, routinisation and digital technologies: evidence from US Metropolitan Areas. Industry and Innovation, 28(8), 1017-1045.
  • Colombelli, A., D’Ambrosio, A., Meliciani, V., & Quatraro, F. (2020). Newborn firms and regional diversification patterns: The role of cultural diversity. Economic Geography, 96(4), 336-362.
  • Orsatti, G., Perruchas, F., Consoli, D., & Quatraro, F. (2020). Public procurement, local labor markets and green technological change. Evidence from US commuting zones. Environmental and Resource Economics, 75(4), 711-739.

Economia internazionale, finanza, e sviluppo

  • Baronchelli, A., Caruso, R., & Ricciuti, R. (2022). Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons: Are embargoes effective?. The World Economy, 45(5), 1336-1361.
  • Carmeci, G., Mauro, L., & Privileggi, F. (2021). Growth maximizing government size, social capital, and corruption. Journal of Public Economic Theory, 23(3), 438-461.
  • Iacoella, F., Martorano, B., Metzger, L., & Sanfilippo, M. (2021). Chinese official finance and political participation in Africa. European Economic Review, 136, 103741.
  • Fiorini, M., Sanfilippo, M., & Sundaram, A. (2021). Trade liberalization, roads and firm productivity. Journal of Development Economics, 153, 102712.
  • Bertola, G. (2019). Wedges: Distribution, distortions, and market integration. European Journal of Political Economy, 59, 21-32.

Economia pubblica, scienze delle finanze e politiche economiche

  • Amendola, A., Barra, C., & Zotti, R. (2022). Universities, Local Economic Productivity and Quality of Institutions: Evidence From Italy. International Regional Science Review, 01600176221099178
  • Belloni, M., Carrino, L., & Meschi, E. (2022). The impact of working conditions on mental health: novel evidence from the UK. Labour Economics, 76, 102176.
  • Lo Prete, A., & Revelli, F. (2021). Voter turnout and city performance: Evidence from Italian municipalities. The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 37(1), 168-197.
  • Revelli, F., & Zotti, R. (2019). The sacred and the profane of budget cycles: evidence from Italian municipalities. International Tax and Public Finance, 26(6), 1446-1477.
  • Fornero, E., & Lo Prete, A. (2019). Voting in the aftermath of a pension reform: The role of financial literacy. Journal of Pension Economics & Finance, 18(1), 1-30.

Economia sperimentale, comportamentale e della complessità

  • Arpino, B., Conzo, P., & Salustri, F. (2022). I am a survivor, keep on surviving: early-life exposure to conflict and subjective survival probabilities in adult life. Journal of Population Economics, 35(2), 471-517.
  • Conzo, P., Fuochi, G., Anfossi, L., Spaccatini, F., & Mosso, C. O. (2021). Negative media portrayals of immigrants increase ingroup favoritism and hostile physiological and emotional reactions. Scientific reports, 11(1), 1-11.
  • Lotito, G., Migheli, M., & Ortona, G. (2020). Transparency, asymmetric information and cooperation. European Journal of Law and Economics, 50(2), 267-294.
  • Migheli, M. (2015). Gender at work: Incentives and self-sorting. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 55, 10-18.
  • Lotito, G., Migheli, M., & Ortona, G. (2015). An experimental inquiry into the nature of relational goods, and their impact on co-operation. Group Decision and Negotiation, 24(4), 699-722.

Economia, statistica e geografia dell'ambiente

  • Baronchelli, A., & Ricciuti, R. (2022). Temperature shocks, rice production, and migration in Vietnamese households. Ecological Economics, 193, 107301.
  • Pomarici, E., Corsi, A., Mazzarino, S., & Sardone, R. (2021). The Italian wine sector: evolution, structure, competitiveness and future challenges of an enduring leader. Italian Economic Journal, 7(2), 259-295.
  • Andreoli, V., Bagliani, M., Corsi, A., & Frontuto, V. (2021). Drivers of protein consumption: A cross-country analysis. Sustainability, 13(13), 7399.
  • Frontuto, V., Dalmazzone, S., Mancin, P., Giannetta, A., & Calà, D. A. (2021). Environmental and Resource Costs Assessment and the Case for Reforming the Italian System of Water Abstraction Charges. In P. Turrini, A. Massarutto, M. Pertile, A. de Carli (Eds), Water Law, Policy and Economics in Italy, Springer, Cham, 433-459.
  • Alberini, A., Di Cosmo, V., & Bigano, A. (2019). How are fuel efficient cars priced? Evidence from eight EU countries. Energy Policy, 134, 110978.

Gestione e finanza d'impresa

  • Palea, V. (2021). Accounting for sustainable finance: does fair value measurement fit for long-term equity investments?. Meditari Accountancy Research, 30(1), 22-38.
  • Papa, A., Mital, M., Pisano, P., & Del Giudice, M. (2020). E-health and wellbeing monitoring using smart healthcare devices: An empirical investigation. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 153, 119226.
  • Palea, V., & Drogo, F. (2020). Carbon emissions and the cost of debt in the eurozone: The role of public policies, climate‐related disclosure and corporate governance. Business Strategy and the Environment, 29(8), 2953-2972.
  • Rainero, C., Coda, R. M., & Migliavacca, A. (2020). Accounting for pandemics and economic crises management: Moral hazard, blockchain and smart‐contracts. Corporate Ownership and Control, 18(1), 301-309.
  • Gribaudo, M., Manini, D., Pironti, M., & Pisano, P. (2020, May). Circular Economy: A Performance Evaluation Perspective. In Proceedings of the 13th EAI International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools, Association for Computing Machinery, Tsukuba, Japan, 196-199.

Statistica metodologica, applicata e sociale

  • Cassetta, E., Nava, C. R., & Zoia, M. G. (2022). A three-step procedure to investigate the convergence of electricity and natural gas prices in the European Union. Energy Economics, 105, 105697.
  • Carota, C., Filippone, M., & Polettini, S. (2022). Assessing Bayesian Semi‐Parametric Log‐Linear Models: An Application to Disclosure Risk Estimation.International Statistical Review, 90(1), 165-183.
  • Nava, C. R., Osti, L., & Zoia, M. G. (2021). From Quantity to Quality: Capturing Higher Spending Markets through a Segmentation of Travelers’ Expenditure. Journal of Travel Research, DOI: 00472875211054568.
  • Carota, C., & Nava, C. R. (2021). A Bayesian Mixed Multinomial Logit Model for choice-sets and decision-makers’ heterogeneity. Applied Economics Letters, 28(20), 1767-1771.
  • Dosi, G., Grazzi, M., Li, L., Marengo, L., & Settepanella, S. (2021). Productivity decomposition in heterogeneous industries. The Journal of Industrial Economics, 69(3), 615-652.

Storia del pensiero economico e metodologia dell'economia

  • Ambrosino, A., Cedrini, M., & Davis, J. B. (2021). The unity of science and the disunity of economics. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 45(4), 631-654.
  • Citera, E., & Sau, L. (2021). Reflexivity, financial instability and monetary policy: A ‘convention-based’approach. Review of Political Economy, 33(2), 327-343.
  • Fiori, S. (2021). Machines, Bodies and Invisible Hands. Metaphors of Order and Economic Theory in Adam Smith, Palgrave Macmillan, London
  • Cedrini, M. A., Ambrosino, A., Marchionatti, R., & Caillé, A. (2020). Mauss's The Gift, or the necessity of an institutional perspective in economics. Journal of Institutional Economics, 16(5), 687-701.
  • Ambrosino, A., Cedrini, M., Davis, J. B., Fiori, S., Guerzoni, M., & Nuccio, M. (2018). What topic modeling could reveal about the evolution of economics. Journal of Economic Methodology, 25(4), 329-348.
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