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"Unlocking value from digital heritage collections: international perspectives", special session of the "Rethinking Culture and Creativity" workshop | 20th October 2023

Pubblicato: Lunedì 9 ottobre 2023

2.30-4.30 pm | Sala Lauree Grande Rossa, Campus Luigi Einaudi | Lungo Dora Siena 100/A - Torino

As stewards of cultural heritage, Galleries, Museums, Archives and Libraries (GLAMs) have always managed access to and use of their collections. However, the digital revolution has profoundly reshaped cultural consumption and production patterns, compelling cultural institutions to reevaluate their interactions with audiences and other stakeholders. The discourse surrounding strategies to unlock the value of digital heritage collections has been marked by an enduring tension between two divergent perspectives: opening up access and reuse against maintaining economic and authoritative control over digital assets. 

More details in the attached file (schedule, streaming, participation...)

Ultimo aggiornamento: 10/10/2023 15:40
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