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Valutazione quantitativa dell’impatto delle strette creditizie sulle dinamiche di impresa, sulle politiche di gestione del personale e sulle carriere dei lavoratori

Progetti locali
Settore ERC
SH1_5 - Corporate finance
SH1_13 - Labour and demographic economics
01/10/2013 - 01/10/2015

Partecipanti al progetto

Descrizione del progetto

Job disruptions is one of the most visible effects of financial crises and a broad literature shows that credit supply shocks contribute to a reduction in employment. We contribute to this literature exploiting individual heterogeneity across firms, workers and jobs in the response to a financial shock. We use an extremely rich data set on job contracts in an Italian region, matched with the universe of firms and their lending banks. To isolate the effect of credit supply shocks we build a firm-specific time-varying measure of credit restrictions and we take into account the confounding role of demand and productivity shocks saturating the model with fixed effects. Our findings indicate that a credit supply contraction reduces employment and the effect is economically large. The impact of the credit crunch is concentrated in fixed-term contracts and in services and it is stronger in more leveraged firms, foreign citizens, women and less educated workers.

Risultati e pubblicazioni

F. Berton, S. Mocetti, A. Presbitero and M. Richiardi (2018), "Banks, firms and jobs", The Review of Financial Studies, 31(6): 2113-2156

Ultimo aggiornamento: 31/10/2022 16:45
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